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Doug was the real deal

From: Tom Way <way@bcs-inc.com>
Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000
Time: 04:18 PM -0600


I had the pleasure of working with Doug in 1986, and he was precisely as his public personna would suggest. He was affable, easy-going, unaffected and a sincere and honest pleasure to be around. Like many, he is a big reason why I have spent my life (sometimes pro, sometimes not) in magic. He taught us all, particularly the musty tuxedo-clad self-impressed types, that magic is within all of us, waiting to be discovered and share. Thanks, Doug, for making my life better.

Regarding the handful of losers who are hell-bent on Doug-bashing, I say just ignore them. I can't imagine Doug would've been bothered by such nonsense, and I can think of no better way to respect his memory that to leave the ridiculousness to the ridiculous. Nothing pisses off a jackass more than being ignored.

-Tom Way way@bcs-inc.com

Last changed: March 16, 2001